Friday, April 25, 2008

Kissing Cousins!

We took this video of Teddy and Max last's pretty funny. (we think)

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Katie and Troy Came to Visit!

Last weekend my sister Katie and her husband Troy came to visit us--and we had soooo much fun! They came in on Friday night and stayed until Tuesday morning. In just a couple days we packed in a ton of fun. We went to the Santa Monica pier and ate hot dogs on the beach, we went to the pier in Redondo Beach and had fresh steamed crabs, and spent a full day at Disneyland.
We felt so lucky to have them come visit and had a ton of fun.

As we were leaving Disneyland Teddy fell asleep on Troy, and we were all saying how we felt so jealous--he looked so snuggy and comfortable, and Ben said "yeah, I wish I had a giant to fall asleep on." Exactly. Here is Teddy with his giant.